Our Simple Process for a Private Sea Burial
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Step 1
Pick your Package:
Basic to Deluxe
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Step 2
Pick your date and time
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Step 3
Show up and let us do the rest- we got you!
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Step 4
Leave a little brighter
- Up to 38 people
The waters of the Monterey Bay Area off the coast of Santa Cruz, California create a uniquely beautiful and peaceful environment in which to scatter the ashes of a loved one. Packages starting at 60 Minute – 3 Hour Options. Up to 38 Passengers.
- Up to 38 people
Sea Spirit Memorial accepts ashes from around the globe for anyone wishing to make the beautiful Monterey Bay, California coastline their final resting place.
With digital imaging/video available you’re guaranteed your needs are being preformed to your specifications.
Consider Sea Spirit Memorial for a green full body burial at sea. This natural option is the most ecological burial we offer while also fitting the needs of many individuals, religions and faiths. We can take from 1 to 35 passengers on these voyages.
There is no denying that our pets play a vital role in our lives and deserve the same care, love and respect that other family members receive.
The Captain's Prayer
Alone I will not be
My comfort will come from the sea.
The stillness of calm waves will gently drift by,
I will be as one with the sea.
When the sun sets on the ocean blue, remember me
as I will always remember you.
As the sun rises…go live life as full as can be
Apart…you and me
but be at peace for I am free